Cat pooping 1
Cat pooping 1

Cat pooping: Felines are very noble animals, very independent, and today I want to learn more about them. Because honestly, I know absolutely nothing about it, so together, we will discover the benefits of having one both for health and personality.

Cats have multiple benefits.

  • It is a great company to combat sadness.
  • Fight stress
  • Produces calm and is more relaxed
  • Used as therapy
  • Produces positive thoughts and emotions
  • Help the mental health part.
  • They make you feel happy.
  • Good for the heart
  • Their purrs help calm the nerves.
  • Raise self-esteem

Reasons for health

  • Prevents allergies
  • It helps fight respiratory diseases.
  • Prevents heart attacks to the owners
  • They are experts in producing sleep.
  • Improve memory
  • Increase creativity
  • Improves good mood
  • Cats have the gift of falling, getting up, falling, and getting back up.
  • Cat therapy

What is Cat Therapy

Cat therapy is ideal for improving physical and mental health. You’ll see why. This is a technique used to improve the quality of life of people in nursing homes and hospitals to control anxiety attacks, high levels of depression, and a lot of stress.

So let’s remember that if you don’t know how to handle this, it can lead to unfortunate endings.

Let’s know what cat therapy is for

  • Control emotional disorders
  • It also works when a person has a physical or mental disability.
  • Psychological problems
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Control negative thoughts
  • It helps people want to continue on their path to rehabilitation.
  • Control the state of mind
  • Improves neuronal activity
  • The success of the recovery of all patients is thanks to the way of being of the cat. They are calm, confident, friendly, like to be caressed.

Cats and humans

I confronted this information with a friend of my mother who has a cat, and she told me the following.

  • Her son was quite shy, and it has helped him to interact with other little friends.
  • The boy’s parents divorced, and this caused him great sadness.
  • The boy took refuge in the cat, which has helped him overcome the separation from his father and mother.
  • The most important thing is that they do not have to get up early or stay up late to give the cat a walk (she says that is a great advantage)

So that the cat area does not smell foul, use Petitpoo. EYE: DO NOT give or apply our sanitary odor eliminator; you can only clean your pet’s size.

Petit poo

Petit Poo is a toilet odor remover, blocking 98% of bad smells in the bathroom. It acts BEFORE the odor is exposed, creating a layer on the water’s surface that prevents the exit of unwanted odors, leaving a soft and pleasant aroma.

Benefits of sanitary odor blocker
  • Not an air freshener
  • Single dosed
  • It does not make sounds.
  • It does not mix odors.
  • Act BEFORE the odor is exposed.
  • Blocks up to 98% of foul odors
  • It has a sweet and fruity aroma.
  • environmental friendly

It has other uses such as: Cleaning the space of pets.

Say goodbye to awkward moments.

Kit set:

Happykit: A tiny spot of happiness

One cloud industrial size (institutional blue), one green apple dropper, and one strawberry dropper

Revolutionkit: For Master poopers, one cloud and one oasis men industrial / home size

Theultimatekit: The one you need on every occasion

One cloud dropper, one cloud industrial / home size, and one sugar flower dropper

Endurancekit: For great poops!

Cat pooping 2

One green apple dropper, one strawberry dropper, and one cloud dropper

Petit poo, clean your Cat pooping.

Bibliographic source

Bertrand Reader. Psychology and mind.

Strangest. Year: 2018


cat pooping, cat pooping in toilet, cat pooping standing up, cat pooping in front of the litter box,