Although it may seem like a minor thing, holding back the urge to do your business (whether it's urinating or defecating) can have more serious consequences than you might imagine. Keep reading and find out why you should go to the bathroom when your body asks you to!

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What Happens to Your Body When You Don't Go to the Bathroom

Your body is a machine designed to eliminate what it doesn't need. When you don't go to the bathroom at the right time, you accumulate bacteria and toxins that can cause everything from digestive discomfort to serious health problems. Naturally, you should have a bowel movement once or twice a day to maintain a healthy digestive system. But when you ignore the signs, the consequences can be disastrous.

The Consequences of “Holding It In”

  1. Digestive system collapse: Holding back bowel movements affects the normal functioning of the intestine, accumulating toxins that can reach the bloodstream.
  2. Stomach upset: You will feel heavy, with gas and possibly severe abdominal pain.
  3. Indigestion and vomiting: A swollen stomach does not absorb nutrients properly, which can cause discomfort and vomiting.
  4. Bad body odor: Unexpelled toxins increase unpleasant odors in your body.
  5. Development of diseases: Avoiding going to the bathroom can lead to serious health problems, such as:
  • Urinary tract infections: Retaining urine can encourage the growth of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Kidney stones: The famous "stones" in the kidneys can form if you do not urinate regularly.



  • Hemorrhoids: Constipation and pressure from not evacuating inflame the veins and tissues of the rectum.
  • Cystitis: Urinary frequency, burning, and even fever can appear when you hold in your urine.
  • Urinary reflux: If you don't urinate on time, urine can back up into the kidneys, causing painful infections.
  • Loss of sphincter control: Over time, your bladder enlarges and you may lose control when you urinate.
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Why Do We Hold Back the Urge?

Sometimes we avoid going to the bathroom for reasons that seem minor but, in the long run, can affect our health. Some of the most common are:

  1. Embarrassment of using someone else's or a public bathroom.
  2. Discomfort from odors.
  3. Embarrassment for asking to borrow a bathroom from a friend or family member.
  4. Fear of being judged for the smell left in the bathroom at work.

The Solution: petit POO bathroom odor blocker

If your biggest concern is the bad smell after using the toilet, we have the perfect solution for you! With petit POO, you no longer have to worry about leaving bad smells in other people's or public bathrooms. You only need to apply a few drops in the toilet water BEFORE using it, and it will take care of blocking any unpleasant smells.


You can go to the bathroom whenever your body needs it, no matter where or what the smell is!


Think and Take Care of Your Health

There is no valid reason to ignore your body's signals. Avoiding going to the bathroom when you need to can cause serious health problems in the short and long term. Remember: going to the bathroom is a natural part of life, and with petit POO, you can do it anywhere without worrying about odors.

Your body will thank you!



By Maria Ramirez


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